Concrete Zero Commitment
SustainabilityClancy signs up as founding member of net zero concrete programme in partnership with Climate Group.
Clancy has signed up as a founding member of ConcreteZero, an industry-wide initiative which aims to reduce carbon emissions from concrete production to net zero by the middle of this century.
To help meet this target, Clancy has committed to specify and procure 30 per cent of its total concrete consumption to meet carbon intensity no greater than the ConcreteZero Low Embodied Carbon Concrete Threshold, expanding that to 50 per cent by 2030.
Developing solutions to lower the impact of concrete will be critical to decarbonising the construction sector and achieving net zero ambitions. Concrete production is already responsible for 8 per cent of global carbon emissions each year. As major investment continues to be made in the built environment – particularly in cities – to support growing communities, demand for the world’s second most used material, excluding water, will only increase in the coming decades.
By signing up to ConcreteZero, we and the other founding members are making a commitment to measure and report on the carbon emissions associated with our concrete use. The data we capture can then be used to guide the rest of the industry towards effective action to minimise the carbon impact of concrete.
Our pledge to Climate Group’s ConcreteZero programme builds on our investment in reducing Clancy’s impact on the environment. Through effective planning and developing innovative technology and skills, we’re continuing to reduce our energy consumption and CO2 emissions across the business.
Ronan Clancy, executive director at Clancy, said: “Clancy is delighted to sign up as a founding signatory to the ConcreteZero programme. We are committed to improving our processes and procurement to drive a real step change in reducing our impact on the environment and communities we operate in.
“Given the impacts of materials and products that we use in our industry, it is vital that we communicate to our supply chain that we want to see change and we can do this by sending strong demand signals. The ConcreteZero commitment is just such a signal and is why it is so important for Clancy to be part of this initiative at such an early stage.”